Global Citizenship Case Study

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ESDGC stands for ‘Education for sustainable development and global citizenship’. The National Assembly for Wales (2014) states that “ESDGC seeks to give learners… an understanding of the impact of their choices on other people, the economy and the environment.”
Firstly, looking at why ESG or ‘education for sustainable development’ should be incorporated into primary school lessons. This generation of children are entering a world that is bigger and more open to them than it has been for any other generation. However, if the new generations of children follow the lead of the past generations, the planet will be deprived of natural resources and pushed to the limit by global warming. This is why it is extremely important that children of a young …show more content…

It is important that ‘global citizenship’ is taught in primary schools because at this age, children are unsure of how they fit into this huge and diverse world in which they live. Children need the knowledge of their local community and the wider world, to work out and understand where their place is and what their roles are. After learning their places in the community and wider world, the children will feel comfortable with themselves and the diversity of people who they live all around them (unknown: 2006). Another aspect of ‘global citizenship’ is learning to think about the decisions they make in everyday life and how they will consequently effect other …show more content…

This lesson uses the ‘personal and social development, well-being and cultural diversity’ and ‘language, literacy, and communication skills’ area of learning. The curriculum coverage for personal and social development, well-being and cultural diversity is ‘activities that allow them to communicate their ideas, values and beliefs about themselves, others and the world’ for the range and for the skills is ‘use stories or situations to raise questions about why some things are special; ask questions about how and why special things should be treated with respect and respond personally’. For the language, literacy and communication skills the curriculum coverage is ‘extend their response to a variety of stimuli on subjects that are of interest or importance to them, including stories, poems, class activities and personal experiences’. This lesson covers the literacy section of the Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) where the children ‘listen and respond to the viewpoints and ideas of others; and uses appropriate technical terms and vocabulary/language appropriate to the subject’. This lesson also covered the wider skills of Thinking, by the children having to create and understanding of the meaning of the story, and ESDGC through the children learning that we need to look after the planet. The ESDGC themes used in the lesson are identity and

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