Ghost Dance Religion: The Ghost Death And The Afterlife

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Upon death, Christians believe that the soul leaves the body and ascends to heaven. The body is believed to return to dust and ashes as referenced in several places in the Bible. When Christians die, they believe that their souls will be reunited with their loved ones in heaven. At the end of all time, Christians believe that the souls of the dead will be reunited with the earthly body.
Indigenous people also believe that people were made from the dirt of the earth. Likewise, they believe in an afterlife. This is evident in their desire to reconnect with the spirit world, which they believe is possible through the Ghost Dance, as discussed in The Ghost Dance Religion. In their mourning songs, the indigenous people use words such as “my soul goes marching on”, indicating that they believe they are going to some sort of afterlife. Some tribes put a lot of care into preparing the body for burial as well. The “Traveler” is well dressed and buried with provisions necessary for the journey to the next life. The body is wrapped in a very …show more content…

Sometimes the Holy Spirit spoke through the mouths of angels as with Mary and Joseph, when they learned of Jesus’ conception. At other times, the Holy Spirit was a disembodied voice, as was the case when Abraham was promised that he would be the father of a great nation. At times, it was in a dream as with Abimelek. The Bible is said to be the inspired Word of God written by people. Often prophets foretold of coming events. Isaiah is one of the great prophets of the Old Testament. The book of Isaiah is saturated with predictions of Jesus and his life. Before the recording of stories in the Bible, the stories were preserved by being told orally from one generation to the next. Some Christians believe that after God’s word had been recorded in writing, it became the source of God’s voice and that it is rare for God to still speak to humans, if

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