Ghetto Made Me Do It by Francis Flaherty

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After reading the essay “The Ghetto Made Me Do It” written by Francis Flaherty, I thought differently about the situation than I had before hearing both sides of this tragic story. My perspective changed from being bias toward Felicia Morgan to feeling a sense of sympathy for her. However, regardless of what defense there is to this story, it does not change how ruthless and tragic this homicide actually was.
It is said by Felicia Morgan’s attorney, Robin Shellow, that the environment in which Morgan grew up in was somewhat comparable to a “war zone.” In some ways I agree with Shellow and believe that there are similarities between the two. Although the attorney makes it clear that there is a difference between the ghetto and a war zone and that the ghetto is in some ways worse. Shellow starts off by saying, “In war, there is at least a sense that someday there will be a resolution, some vision that things could be different. That is not the case in the inner cities. There is no vision. And there is no sense of who is friend and who is foe.” From what the media tells citizens, the g...

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