Gertrude Mary Cox Essay

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The Adventures Of Gertrude Mary Cox Gertrude Mary Cox was born on a farm in Dayton, Iowa on January 13th 1900. Gertrude and her family soon moved to Perry, Iowa where she attended public school. Her family was very involved in the church and believed in being church activist. Cox was closest with her mother and she says her mother is her biggest inspiration. Gertrude came about enrolling at Iowa State College in a unique way. She first took a 2-year social science course, and then was a housemother for 16 small-orphaned boys in Montana. She then became the superintendent of the orphanage and at that time she enrolled in Iowa State College. Heyde says that she “Majored in mathematics because it was easy for her, she elected courses in psychology, sociology, and crafts” (Heyde 475). Cox also started to work with computers to make extra money to pay tuition with. Her boss was her previous calculus professor Snedecor and he hired her to work in the computer laboratory because he saw a lot of possibility in her. He was her biggest encourager after her …show more content…

Cox was known at the society of Biometrics because she was a journalist for them. Billard says “Cox contributed prominently behind the scenes in her role as the editor of the Biometric Bulletin” (Billard 260). Cox had been with the society since the start and “nursed the infant society to vigorous growth” (Billard 260). Ronald Fisher was also a founding member alongside Cox in the Biometric society. Fisher was called the greatest statistician of the 20th century, and the two were seen as a team. Cox reviewed Fishers articles and Fisher Helped Cox teach at North Carolina State. They both worked together in statistics for 30 years until fisher passed away in 1962. When Cox was younger, Fisher was a professor while she was a student. He would lecture while she would go to school and major in many subject areas that she had chosen based off her

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