George Seurat Advice Essay

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The advice each character would offer, while may have a few similar ties, would be largely different. They all have varying background stories and varying roles during the play. They would all offer wisdom, however, and, possible by combining some of them one could find the truest advice. George Seurat's advice might take the most romantic form of advice out of the four characters. He lived as he painted. With dreams and notions that left him nothing at the end of his short life. If one was to talk to Seurat, he at the end of his journey and they at the beginning, Seurat’s advice might still hold the romantic notions from the beginning of his journey. Seurat painted for himself and no one else. He painted what he wanted and when he wanted even under the protest of others. Seurat knew about the rumors, the lies, and the gossip that was told about him in what would be considered proper circles of society. He knew that others misunderstood him and his work. Yet he continued painting for himself. Finding his satisfaction in the canvas and art he created. George Seurat’s advice would embody his painting style. He could possibly be seen saying something such as, “Many will laugh at your work, many will not understand. Your friends and loved ones may leave you for others. The only thing that truly will stay with you is your …show more content…

She saw him as something she wanted, but not something she necessarily needed. Perhaps these feelings would have gravitated to art as well in her early days. She saw art as the obstacle between her and her beloved. But, as with everything, it was more complicated than at first glance. There was no doubt that for Dot art was the obstacle between herself, Seurat, and a happy life together. But, she also loved the artist part of Seurat. She fantasised and dreamed about it. Dots feelings towards art were complicated, however, her advice might not

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