Georg Simmel's Social Theory

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Georg Simmel, a Jewish sociologist born in Germany. His social theory is affected by Max Weber and Emile Durkheim. Association Georg Simmel focuses on the association in the society. In other words, he is looking into the relationship between individuals and sees how it connected to the society in daily life. He believed that association of people’s interaction is how to form the society. Forms and Types To discuss the association, Georg Simmel separates the association into two subcategories, the social forms, and the social types. Social forms are to define the meaning or purpose which lead to different responding while people interact with other individuals. For example, when people said “How’s your work?”, we have to find out this is a just basic greeting for improving the relationship, or the person is asking more detail information about the work. Different social forms will affect the interaction between people. To determine the forms of social interaction is a crucial interacting skill in association with people. On the other hand, the social types are talking about the first impression or the personality of people will decide how people interact with other individuals in society. For instance, Cathy is an outgoing and lay back person, so when people want to make a friend or hang out with her, …show more content…

He defined that stranger is someone you are not familiar with but it does not mean they do not have any connection at all. He believed that the distance can cause people have different association or interaction. For illustration, Cathy and Haley are the very close friend, so when they are hanging out together, they can share all the secret and what happened in their daily life. In opposite, Cathy and Regan only met each other on time in the class, so they never discuss they are private life together. In concluding, the interaction will effect by the distance of the

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