Geography: The Federal Republic of Ethiopia

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Ethiopia is a federal republic, which means power is held by the people and representatives they elect. Affairs of the state are a “public matter” rather than privately accommodated. Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa and one of the oldest in the world. (Releasing children from poverty Compassion in Jesus' name, 2014) Ethiopia is a landlocked country in the northeast African region known as the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia is considered landlocked because it is bordered on the west by the Sudan, the east by Somalia and Djibouti, the south by Korea, and the northeast by Eritrea. (infoplease Pearson Education, 2000-2014) (Ethiopia Facts, Ethiopia Flag -- National Geographic, 1996-2014)Ethiopia has a high central plateau, with some mountains reaching more than 13,000 feet. “The Great Rift Valley splits the plateau diagonally. The western highlands get summer rainfall; the lowlands and eastern highlands are hot and dry.” Ethiopia’s population mostly resides in the western highlands as does the capital, Addis Ababa, the highest capital city in Africa at 8,000 feet. The population is almost evenly split between Christians, living in the highlands, and Muslins living in the lowlands. “The Oromo, Amhara, and the Tigreans are the largest ethnic groups.” (Ethiopia Facts, Ethiopia Flag -- National Geographic, 1996-2014)
Ethiopia’s history spans 2,000 years, during which the Ethiopian Orthodox Church held the kingdom’s Christianity secure against Islamic holy wars; however, hunger and war still plague this nation. Emperor Haile Selassie the last of the monarchs was dethroned in 1974, all of whom avoided European colonialism, except for Italian occupation from 1936 to 1941. (Ethiopia Facts, Ethiopia Flag -- National...

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...clopedia , 2013)
Today, Ethiopia has a population of about 70 million people with religion a constant and central feature of their society. Rich traditions and festivals constitute an important part of Ethiopian natural life making Ethiopia a great antiquity.

Works Cited

Ethiopia - New World Encyclopedia . (2013, October 7). Retrieved from
Ethiopia Facts, Ethiopia Flag -- National Geographic. (1996-2014). Retrieved from National infoplease Pearson Education. (2000-2014). Retrieved from
Releasing children from poverty Compassion in Jesus' name. (2014). Retrieved from

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