Genzyme’s Global Energy Sustainability Program

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I. Introduction

Genzyme’s global energy sustainability program holistically addresses energy supply, energy demand, employee engagement and greenhouse gas emissions. By simultaneously focusing on these areas, Genzyme will decrease energy cost, ensure energy security, positively impact climate change, and position Genzyme to be a leader on the environment. This holistic strategy is built upon the very strong linkage between energy consumption and GHG emissions at Genzyme. Therefore, the main driver of GHG reductions will be through prevention of energy use and energy efficiency improvements.

Aspirational: Equally focus on non-energy GHG emissions such as refrigerant leakage and business travel.

II. Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Target

Genzyme has made a commitment to sustainable growth by adopting an aggressive greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target. Genzyme’s current target is to reduce GHG emissions by 25% from 2007 to 2012, normalized to revenue. In the future, Genzyme will set emission reduction targets by using the previous target achievement year as new base year. Resetting the bar with past achievements will encourage continual improvement and sustainable growth.

Genzyme will measure progress toward this target using generally acceptable GHG accounting rules such as The Greenhouse Gas Protocol or equivalent.

Aspirational: Set an absolute reduction target (e.g. reduction in total energy) and not a normalized target (e.g. reduction in energy intensity).

III. Energy Efficiency of Existing Operations

Cutting demand of existing operations through efficiency improvements is the most important part of Genzyme’s energy equation, and the most economical way to cut GHG emissions. Nu...

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...s a benchmark, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) estimates that around 25% of total energy demand could be eliminated through these behavior strategies in the U.S.

Genzyme employees are engaged about the environment both at work and at home. Fully tapping into this resource will help Genzyme meet its reduction goals and create a culture of conservation and awareness about energy and climate change.

Aspirational: Genzyme will do multiple “kaisans” related to behavior based process energy reductions. Also the standard energy audit protocol will include behavioral changes related to air changes and Water For Injection (WFI) – the two most important categories of process energy reductions.

Aspirational: Genzyme will provide a platform for employee engagement and align these efforts with pre-existing environmental stewardship programs.

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