Advantages And Disadvantages Of Speciation

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One important topic about evolution is speciation and how species speciate, what this means is how some species diverge into a new and distinct species through the course of evolution. Speciation can happen because of various reasons, the most known are the following four, allopatric, peripatric, parapatric, and sympatric speciation. We are going to try and focus on a different aspect of speciation and that is chromosomes. We are going to look at how the mechanisms of evolution have aided with the evolution of sex chromosome in different species and how chromosomal rearrangements happen and how those can lead to the speciation of some species. The mechanisms of evolution include how genetic variability is passed on from generation to generation, …show more content…

Allopatric speciation arises when a species is separated into two separate groups that are then secluded from one another by a type of physical barrier. The physical barrier then makes it impossible for both species to breed and then each species develops differently because of the unique habitat and the characteristics that are inherited to the offspring. Peripatric speciation is when smaller groups isolate from a larger group to form a new species. Physical barriers then impede the interbreeding from both groups. In this type of speciation, the traits from the smaller groups become unique and are then inherited in each generation, distinguishing them from the larger groups. In parapatric speciation, the species are in a vast geographical area. In this larger area, only some species in certain closer geographic areas mate with one another. Those that are not in the same geographic region don’t mate and speciate by the differences in the same environment. Sympatric speciation happens when there are no physical barriers that avert mating between the species, in this case, all the members are adjacent to one another. The way that sympatric speciation occurs is spontaneous, when and the individual becomes dependent on a different food source that is unique to an area of the …show more content…

In most cases the only thing that is known is about the chromosomal rearrangements that happen, that can then be used to find which chromosomes are the ones responsible for speciation. We know too well that one chromosome is not the only one responsible, there are other factors that also affect speciation and in most cases, it is usually more than one chromosome and different chromosomes are identified in different species. There has been a study about how the chromosome X in humans is the one that controls speciation and

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