What Makes Generation Y So Unique?

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"Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." George Orwell, the famous English author, once said. The question, though, is Generation Y going to be moving our society forward or making our society worse? Generation Y thinks that they are the smarter generation and are the best, but they wouldn't be the way they are, if it was not for the Baby Boomers and Generation X. The generations before them are the ones that taught and influenced us. Therefore, what makes Generation Y a unique generation is, how they were raised and how they will change the world.
Generation Y happens to be a large and different type of generation. Generation Y does not like to be …show more content…

It would be easy to assume that everyone wants to be great in their life, but that means something different for the Ys. In an interview from “The Millennials,” Sharon, an older Generation Y, claims, “That’s what I mean when I say I want to be great. I want to make a difference” (Rainer & Rainer 17-18). This idea is what makes Generation Y so unique. Generation Y does not define being great as having the most wealth or power. The authors for the book “The Millennials,” notes that “nearly nine out of ten respondents indicated that they feel responsible to make a difference” (Rainer & Rainer 36). Ys would rather change the world for the better than be on top of it. Unlike the generations before them, Generation Y is trying to make a difference in the world they live in. It has been brought to attention that, “[Generation Y] know[s] that not all is well with the world. The Baby Boomers knew that and protested it. Generation X knew that and was depressed by it. Millennials know that, but believe they can have a role in changing it” (Rainer & Rainer 18). The generations before may think that Ys are naïve because they plan to change the world, but in the eyes of Generation Y all they are, are realists. Generation Y truly believes that if they put their mind into something, then nothing can stop them. Hence, why …show more content…

In libraries, there is book after book on how managers can adjust to the idea of having very ambitious Ys under their control. The books about Generation Y in the workforce explain how “they [Generation Y] are utterly challenging and confusing to the global workplace, as well as to their supervisors and managers” (Lipkin & Perrymore Loc 119). Certain managers and supervisors do not understand Generation Y’s work behavior. To them, the Ys’ behavior is unacceptable, because it is so different than the generations’ behavior before them. Generation Y will get on social networking sites, have personal calls, or multitask while they are in a meeting. All that might seem damaging to the business, but one has to understand that “this generation is multitalented, over stimulated, socially aware, demanding, and resourceful” (Lipkin & Perrymore 119). These qualities will direct Generation Y to the leading roles that they strive for. Every workplace has been touched by the unique Generation Ys, and the managers are changing their routines to better understand them.
Generation Y is slowly changing society’s thinking and making everyone take notice of them. They are taking initiative in every part of their lives. Selfless acts are not in the stereotype of the Generation Y, but that does not mean they do not care about others. Even though Ys are usually the

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