Gender Roles In Remember The Titans

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Remember the Titans is a movie about a high school football team that is diligently trying to win a state championship. The main obstacle that is in the way of them working together and getting the state championship is the fact that their team has both black and white male players. Today, it would be common for us to play with interracial people but in the year nineteen seventy-one it was not common at all. It was decided that Coach Boone (an African American), would be the head coach for the new football team at T.C. Williams High School. Coach Boone asks Coach Yoast, the former coach, to stay and be his assistant coach. He agrees and the white players also join the team along with the blacks. The team goes to Gettysburg College for camp where none of the teammates are comfortable with each other. Eventually, the team finally gets along at the camp and color is no longer an issue with the teammates. The team has become united and they continue to win their way through. They even had their own special warm up before the games started. The school also has become more united after the winning streak of the football players. …show more content…

Today we would see more female coaches than in the times of the movie which was nineteen seventy-one. In the textbook, it says that Title IX was only in enacted in nineteen seventy-two which is a year later. By this act, high school girls’ athletic participation increased immensely. The only women that were main characters that were in the movie was mothers or daughters of the coaches or team players. They did not have any female coaches assisting the men. The movie shows that blacks were not favored to have high positions such as the head coach of the football team according to the whites. All the coaches in the state were white, and that is why it was such a big deal for an African American to be at a higher position than the white

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