Gender Roles In Persepolis

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Conforming Catastrophe Gender roles have come a long way in the past 50 years from women getting the right to vote to women even being able to become the CEO of a company. However, in Marjane Satrapi’s “Persepolis” these achievements would have been seen as almost impossible in the setting and time frame of the graphic novel. In “Persepolis” the roles of women are fashioned and established under a strict regime that restricts the freedom of women. Before the Islamic Revolution, Marji went to a co educational, as well as bilingual, school. Unfortunately, the schools were split between male and female because bilingual schools were seen as symbols of capitalism and of decadence (4). Also, at this time, it was made obligatory that girls wear a veil to school. The veil is seen as a symbolism for oppression, it makes Marji, and probably other girls and women, feel like less of a person. The gender separation and the use of the veil can be seen as one of the first steps toward women’s oppression and how their roles became …show more content…

Although she wears the veils, Marji does not follow the rules that a women at the time should follow. Marji went to demonstrations to protest, she listened to punk rock music and wore jean jackets (symbols of decadence), she was educated, and she stood up for what she believed was right while women were expected to keep quiet. The new expectations of women just pushed Marji to rebel even more. “After the death of Baba-Levy, my life took a new turn in 1984, I was fourteen and a rebel. Nothing scared me anymore” (143). The need to restrict Marji’s freedom forced her to be the person she became.
Overall, the gender roles during the islamic revolution diminished. Women were more seen as objects that needed to be covered, quiet, obedient, and told what to do. Marji did not let this discourage her and fought for what was right, even if it put her life in

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