Gender Roles In Iphigenia

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Amongst the drama Iphigenia among the Taurians, roles of genders have been used and manipulated either in favor of one of the characters or against them. One example of how gender influenced a better outcome in an episode is during Iphigenia’s conversation with the Chorus right before her escape with Orestes and Pylades from land of the Taurians. In this episode, Orestes and Iphigenia are talking about how to escape and making sure that no one would discover their plans. When reasoning that talking the Chorus into staying back and covering for the runaways, Orestes made a point to Iphigenia that “a woman’s tongue has the power to move pity (1052-1053).” Iphigenia makes Orestes’ observation evident in her pleading speech to the Chorus when she said, “ O dear women, I look to you. All of my fortunes lie in your hands. You can determine whether I shall find success or utter ruin, losing my fatherland, my dear brother and my dearest sister. (1054-1075).” Iphigenia’s gender played a role in this that could be compared to a certain type of ancient Greek “girl code” on line 1061 by saying, “We are women, and as women, sympathetic to each other and totally reliable in keeping matters which concern all of us to ourselves.” On line 1076, the Chorus agrees …show more content…

She shows that she has personality traits that are unlike her parents and siblings that, hopefully, will end the cycle of revenge, plotting, and violence. Unlike her family, Iphigenia shows compassion and selflessness when faced with the dilemma of having to kill off both Orestes and Pylades, even before it was revealed they were related. Unlike her father who was ready to kill her for his own needs, Iphigenia worked very hard on trying to find a way to save everyone she could. Showing this side of her made it evident that she would start to turn around her family’s legacy and create a new tradition of a positive

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