How Does Gender Influence Gender

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Gender is different from sex; however it cannot be completely isolated from the term. Gender is a result of sex. I will discuss the differences between these two terms and the historical background which shaped these characteristics of typical male and female behaviour as well as how gender is constructed by society and by sex. I will look at the influence that culture has surrounding the fact.

In the modern day society the two terms gender and sex gets often confused when carrying out informal discussion surrounding sexuality. The two terms are two different things. Sex is defined by your biology. The chromosomes you are made out of – XX for female and XY for male as well as your internal and external sex organs. Gender however is the characteristics that the society depicts as feminine or masculine. This focuses on your gender role in society; your characteristics to the way you present yourself as male or female. It short, your sex is rooted in biology whilst your gender the way you portray your masculinity of …show more content…

In countries such as India and China there is an increase of anti-female bias (BBC Ethics Guide, 2014). Female infanticide is the deliberate killing of female babies mainly due to an imbalance of the sexes in these countries. Economically males are more valuable females. Males earn more than women and they are more employable, thus they are less likely to be killed. In many countries parents depend on their children to care for the in their old age. However, if a girl marries there is no way she can care for her parents, whereas men is seen as a gain for parents in their old age. Girls are thus seen as an economical waste especially in large families with low incomes. Dowries are the transfer of parental property when a girl gets married. By killing baby girls parents do not have to worry about dowries (BBC Ethics Guide,

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