Gender Differences in Communication

751 Words2 Pages

Gender Differences in Communication

Every race, culture, civilization, and society on this planet shares two things in common: the presence of both the male and female sex, and the need to communicate between the two. "The subject of gender differences appears to have engaged peoples’ curiosity for as long as people have been writing down their thoughts, from as far back as the writing of the creation of Adam and Eve, to its current popular expression in books such as Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus."

The assertion that men and women communicate in different ways, about different things, and for different reasons seems to go un-argued and is accepted as true by a vast majority of Americans. It is the reason why we communicate differently that conjures up quite a bit of debate and conversational turmoil. One of the most traditional hypothesis is the one John Gray wrote about in his book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, which essentially points to differences in brain structure, hormones, and socialization as the cause of such an enormous gender gap in communication.

But that was then and this is now, scientists throughout the world are working to learn more about gender differences in communication, and much has been discovered since the days of "Mars & Venus." One such research team is that of Canary and Hause of the "Communication Quarterly." In their study, they conclude that the previous 50 years of research on sex differences in communications, such as that of John Gray, brought about no conclusive findings for such differences. The researcher's analyses of their findings provided evidence for an expectation of small differences due to sex: approximately 1% of variance, concluding that the effects ...

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...ffering the law on what is male and what is female behavior.

As we begin the twenty first century we enter a world of rules and regulations, a world where what we say and do is controlled by cultural stereo-types, some age old, some contemporary, and some that are deciding factors in how we live our lives. Through recent research we have learned that gender differences in communication are not something that we are born with, they’re not due to differences in brain matter, and they’re certainly not due to the two sexes being from different planets. We are who we are and we communicate how we communicate because it is what society and culture demand of us. Although this sounds like a simple difference that can easily be resolved you might be surprised; disregarding everything you’ve ever learned about the difference between boys and girls is a mighty big task.

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