Gender And Relationships Essay

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Gender and Relationships Gender and Relationships Malissa DeNae Martin Georgia Southern University An important topic in psychology is gender and relationships and how they basically go hand in hand, with each other. Gender is a set of traits that are given to a male or female. Many people use the words masculine and feminine to characterize male and females. Relationships are a close association between two or more people that can last from a short period to a long period of time. There are different types of relationships as, well. A few of them are loved based, business, friendships, and more. This paper will analyze how gender effects relationships. Gender development has many different theories that have been …show more content…

Once gender constancy is achieved whatever they have learned is believed and what they begin to live by. Gender constancy is the belief that their own gender is fixed and irreversible (Bussey & Bandura, 1999). Research shows, that there is no relationship between a child’s understanding of constancy and the reason for same sex peers, gender activities, so on (Bussey &Bandura, 1999). The Gender Schema Theory begins when children are able to label themselves as male or female. After they have developed that, they are expected to behave by the norms of society and their gender roles. Biological Theories are more of a scientific approach to gender differentiation. Here is where you can really see gender differences and the effects it has on relationships in a male and female view. Naturally men have less responsibility sexually, so they are able to mate with how many females they choose, as well as not be too picky about who they decide to mate with. However, women have to carry the fetus for nine months, deliver, and care for the child for the rest of their life. Women have adapted to this by having less sex partners and they look for men who would be good providers for the child and themselves. Women have the parent role, whereas men are known as the aggressors and the

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