Gender And Gender Innate Essay

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Throughout Gendered World sociologist argue that gender and sex are socially constructed instead of being innate. The authors present evidence in regards to history, biology, and contemporary viewpoints using day-to-day examples. Although alternative viewpoints may argue that through a biological perspectives gender and sex is an innate characteristic through deeper examination it can be determined that gender and sex are truly socially constructed.

First of all, what are sex and gender? Sex is described as the interaction between genes, hormones, behavior, and the environment. The adjectives female, male, or intersex are used when referring to sex. Gender is the social status, legal designation, and personal identity. The divisions in gender are due mainly to the expectations of social institutions. The adjectives women and men, boys and girls, are used when addressing gender. Alternative perspective may argue that there is a definite difference between males and females, which may prove that these categories are not socially constructed, but rather innate. However, all around the world, the definition of sex and gender is different. The binary system and the standard story ignore the numerous people who do not fit perfectly into this flawed system.

The standard story shapes the way that some societies choose to view sex and gender and the way …show more content…

25). These individuals cannot be categorized in neither category of female nor male. These numbers are possibly understimates of the tre data since being born with ambigious genetilia is something that is frowned upon and is usually changed through operations. These operations are usually cosmeticic opertaions which are not truly neeeded for the well being of the ndividuals but are performed b3ecuase pf the views that society imposes of only two sexes with no room for

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