Gaia Research Paper

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Gaia is one of the oldest goddesses of all time. Actually she's even older than time himself because time did not exist until she gave him the gift of life. She was one of the four primal beings with Tartarus which is the deepest part of the underworld.This meant that she didn't have any parents. Instead, she was born out of chaos. Her family consists of every God and Titan since she is the source of almost all life. Her children: Uranus (sky) Pontus (ocean) Ourea (mountains) Pontus: Ceto Nereus Thaumas Phorcys Eurabia Uranus: 12 titans 3 giant cyclopes 3 hecatoncheires Erinyes (Furies) Ash- Tree Nymphs (Meliae) Giants Tartarus: Echidna Typhon Every night Uranus laid next to Gaia and from that came their children. One day Uranus …show more content…

Sometimes she is shown as having half of her body submerged into the earth. The Greeks also knew her as the first deity to have prophet powers. Gaia was the one that gave the Oracle of Delphi her powers before Apollo took the oracle for himself. Her biggest weakness was love. For love brought her to marry Uranus who tried so hard to make sure she did not conceive any more children because he feared that they would take his position away from him. The biggest allusion about Gaia is that she is called Mother Nature. Mother Nature is the personification of the Earth and its ecosystems. Like Mother Nature gives life to animals and plants, Gaia gave life to all Gods and Titans. …show more content…

Since Gaia is the Earth and Earth is everywhere, they believed that an oath sworn by her was the most powerful oath possible because no one can escape her. Of course this was all before going to the moon was even an idea. They thought that Gaia had to be a woman because seeds go into the earth and it takes the rain and sun from the sky (Uranus) to grow a crop. Females are the ons who are able to be fertile with babies and Gaia was able to conceive her children. Scientist James lovelock created the Gaia theory to show that the earth as a whole is a living organism. It claims that the biosphere maintains and regulates conditions on the earth itself. A series of natural phenomena that include the rocks, oceans and air are all combine instead of separate processes. Gaia is more complex than a collection of living organisms. So basically, every natural phenomenon like volcanoes, hurricanes, and rainbows are all connected because of the Gaia

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