GMO Foods

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In The United States alone 80% of foods are genetically engineered.The worlds best and most useful invention of the 20th century was the ability to genetically engineer food to fit certain specifications.Genetically engineered food has over one thousand different possibilities in today's world. Humans can modify them with other animals DNA to allow them to grow at different times. They can modify gmo(genetically modified food) to repel insects naturally, also you can modify the taste of it.

Humans can modify any type of food to fit our needs with the technology we have today. one need is the ability to grow them at different times using other animals natural DNA. This is due to the fact that we have studied so many fish that we have the knowledge of what they can do. some scientists have been able to take the DNA from a fish and put it into the strawberries so they can grow in the winter.The steps on how scientists have used to create a frosty strawberry.“The flounder’s antifreeze gene is copied and inserted into a small ring of DNA taken from a bacterial cell. The DNA ring contain...

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