From the Wife's Perspective in The Drover's Wife by Henry Lawson

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There are various details that the author makes obvious during this story about the wife’s character, life and environment. He does this to set up her actions during the story and to give the reader some background information so they are able to imagine things from her perspective.

The first thing that becomes clear to the reader when reading this story is that the drover’s wife lives in a very harsh environment. It is described as being a dangerous and monotonous place to live, with the, “everlasting, maddening sameness of the stunted trees”. She looks out to, “bush with no horizon”. The environment’s hostility is further shown by her flashbacks which look at fires, floods and vicious animals that have come from the bush around her house. In this area she is also isolated from the rest of the world; it is nineteen miles from the nearest residence. This isolation means that she rarely sees other adults, with monthly visits from her brother in law often the only contact with the rest of the world. It is also evident that her house is primitive and she has very little. The house i...

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