From Rags to Riches to Rags - Original Writing

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From Rags to Riches to Rags - Original Writing Once upon a time, in a far away land lived a beautiful young princess...Well, actually that's a slight exaggertaion. In the centre of town in Birmingham, in a dingy, ancient bed-sit lived a scruffy, lonely teenage girl named Marigold. Marigold had ruined her chance of ever leading a lavish lifestyle when one day she went too far and ended up on the streets. Marigold, like all teenagers,craved attention but she often took things a step too far, like the time she dyed her hair electric blue and had the sides shaved off, or like the time she thought that taking her Mothers clapped out old vauxhall to the park for a spin would create some excitement, or like the time she put a live mouse in her sisters shoe...but the day she played a dreadful, spiteful prank was the day things went to the extreme point of being wrong. This prank changed Marigold's life for ever, it made her homeless and left her alone and frightened. This is Marigold's story; "Muuuummm, the electricity meter has ran out again!" Marigold yelled to her Mother from the smelly old cupboard which housed the meter. Marigold was a scruffy little child who was on the brink of becoming a teenager, she shared her one-bedroom, ancient, rotting flat with her extremely bright, animal-loving sister Lily and their eccentric Bohemian Mother, Daisy. The home they shared was a far cry from being normal with their Mother's foul smelling scented candles lit in every room in the house, incense sticks wafted ghastly odours to the entrance of the flat and rainbow coloured flower motifs domineered every wall in the house. Life for Marigold and her family was painfully hard, with Daisy being a single, unemployed parent, money was very tight and the family lived on a poor diet of bread, beans, rice, the occasional Pot Noodle and the cheap juice that the woman next door always brought round on a Friday afternoon as a treat for them. However, the situation had not always been as bad.

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