Friendship In Augustine's Journey To Become Closer To God

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In the readings Augustine discusses a lot about friendship and how it has helped him or hindered him along his journey of becoming closer to God. Friendship is a prevalent topic that is brought up in the readings along this adventure and it is a key subject in many of his stories. Augustine holds his friendships close to his heart and thinks very highly of the idea of having someone there for him. Human friendship is also a nest of love and gentleness because of the unity it brings about between many souls. The unity that Augustine feels with people throughout this journey is what helps him figure out who God is and how to become closer to him. The topic of friendship throughout the reading relates to the nature of god, the nature of human beings, the nature between human beings and God and also helps Augustine relate to God and understand who God is. Augustine is using friendship …show more content…

This is a vital part of relationships and friendships, the closer we are to God’s image the better human beings we will be. Creating this friendship with God is vitally important to moral health and the state of a human being in the afterlife. To be able to create and build upon a friendship with the Lord means maintaining more than just trust, it involves maintaining a level of faith in that friendship that no man can obtain amongst each other. Two physically present friends can rely on each other until death, but they can also witness lack of trust in each other. Two humans can witness wrong doing amongst each other and destroy a relationship over a single act. A person who is friends with God relies on him to guide him in the right direction. If one goes down the wrong path, do they blame God? Are they really God’s friend if it is toward him they point the finger? To be friends with God you have to have faith in him that his plan for you is going accordingly, no matter what he puts in front of

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