Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution

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CJL 4064 Amendment Project As requested by the committee chair, I have examined the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments of our Constitution. It is imperative for the participants of the Constitutional Convention to update, and furthermore, enhance the Bill of Rights. The amendments were created with a valuable perspective on individual rights in the 1700's. Today, in 2010, our country has developed in the use of language, our principles, and our overall society. After close examination of the amendments, it has come to my attention that they no longer read to today's society. Essentially, I would like to continue the amendments using the same guidelines our forefathers used centuries ago, but include new aspects updating the Constitutional Amendments to reflect our current nation. To understand the amendments better, it was apparent that language changes needed to be made. Since the amendments were written centuries ago, the language is very out dated. As our language has evolved, the exact meaning of their words has become more difficult to understand. Bringing the language to date would make the words and concepts used by the founders clearer to modern time, and therefore easier to understand for the society. Since our language has improved since the creation of the US Constitution, current readers are left to interpret the amendments in their own fashion. With an update of the language, clarity is assured for our citizens, and they can therefore have a clear understanding of what they are required to abide by. In regards to the 4th Amendment, it is incredibly important in order to protect the rights of citizens in the United States. Most of us live either in a home or apartment where we have all of our sentim... ... middle of paper ... ...tially incriminating speech. No individual can be held for a capital crime or otherwise infamous crime unless DNA samples have been proven to show without a doubt that the individual was involved in that crime. In addition, no person may be persuaded to testify as a witness against themselves. Once, and if a defendant is acquitted, they may not be retried for the same offense again. 6th Amendment Within the law each accused person is entitled to have a public trial that is impartial. This trial must be where a person will attain a fair trial. In certain cases the trial must be moved from the original state and district because media attention may sway the opinion of the jury. Before any person stands trial they must be allowed time with legal council. This time is allowed so that the accused can obtain any witness's in his favor to help in his defense.

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