Four Theories Of Interpersonal Communication

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Interpersonal communication is a rather important means of communication. It’s the process in which people discuss information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages. These skills are necessary to developing other important life skills. Communicating with others to solve problems that inevitably occur both in our private and professional lives is a very important key skill. My project talks about four theories that I feel I connect to specifically. I chose the theories Friendship, Consensual family, Single-Parent family, and Feminine. Friendships are relationships that are characterized by intimacy and liking(Mccornack,2016). Single-parent families are defined as “Only one adult resides in the household, possessing sole responsibility as a caregiver for …show more content…

My family (my sister and I) have an ongoing joke with my mom. She’s very opinionated and isn’t afraid to say it especially with decisions about what the family should do. We jokingly call her a ‘dictator’ because she can be bossy though she doesn’t act like an actual dictator. She lets us discuss as a family what the decision should be made but she also knows when to put her foot down and to make the decision herself. I admire that my mom raised my sister and I do not be afraid to share our thoughts that also taught us to consider other people’s opinions. We all hold each other’s opinions rather high including my dad’s opinion. Though we discuss everything and try to come to an agreement about small things, such as what movie to see or where to eat, she has made it clear that her word is law all joking aside. That’s why I think my family is a consensual family. A frequent thing we do is split up the decisions. I tend to pick which movie we watch the movies out of the choices given by my mom and sister, while my sister usually decides where to eat, and my mom decides the major

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