Fossil Fuels

624 Words2 Pages

Fossil Fuels

In the world today the environment affects everything. The environment affects what buildings can be built to what the climate will be and even fossil fuels. The environment affects fossil fuels in a variety of ways. Without the environment we would have no fossil fuels. Then because of the fossil fuels that are created, they pollute and harm the environment. Interesting how something that is created by the environment can damage itself. Fossil fuels can even cause personal health issues to arise. Fossil Fuels are important to our economy but someway we should find them to only benefit the environment positively.

The process of how fossil fuels are created is very interesting. It all starts with an animal or plant dieing. After it dies the remains are biological changed. It turns into bacterial decay and even underwater decay. From the decay it changes into Methane and Kerogen and Peat. Now it is ready to be composed. This happens through increase temperature and extensive chemical changes. During this stage the matter is underground. Finally after all is said and done, Fossil Fuels are created.

Fossil Fuels do so much for the economy, but are they really worth it if it causes health issues? Can we sacrifice health for better heating and cheaper energy? All I know is that due to fossil fuels we increase smog pollution. Ozone smog doesn't cause asthma, but it can trigger asthma attacks and worsen emphysema and other lung diseases. Th...

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