Forever Seeking the Right Path: The Complexities of Religion

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Jesus. Buddha. Anubis. This has always been one of the most controversial topics throughout history. There have been many civilizations and many wars waged due to religious beliefs. Regardless of who is who and what one believes, all beings believe that what their God, gods, or deities spoke is the truth, the way, and the key to having an everlasting life. The Hebrew seem to now have a religious monopoly with the modern day Christianity, the ideas of the Buddhist reconcile with many of the beliefs of the Hindu, the Egyptians believed in their many gods along with their god –king, and in the midst of all the ancient religions still lies the oldest religions Judaism and Hinduism which are alike in many ways yet completely different. However, the real question is who was right and who was wrong?
In the beginning, the Hebrew civilization, which was politically insignificant compared to other empires such as Egypt, produced a new form of religion that was based on a monotheistic all-powering god that created and controlled everything that they called Yahweh (47). The Hebrew people did not believe in what the Egyptians forced them to believe in and decided to rebel and protest against the unorthodox pharaoh and the Egyptian people who instilled all trust and life into this god-king. The Hebrew decided to leave Egypt, who was led by a profit by the name of Moses throughout many treacherous and tantalizing events. Once the Hebrew crossed the Nile River and the Red Sea, these followers of Yahweh decided to write and record all of their religious ideas, traditions, laws, advice literature, prayers, hymns, history, and prophecies in a series of books. These books are still in existence today and are known now as the Hebrew Bible, which ...

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...belief in God himself and good deeds done, as well as maintaining faith in the one true God, he will reward a person with everlasting life. Perhaps life on earth is merely nothing different than what the afterlife holds and it is purely just a continuation of our present existence. Regardless of what one believes all of these people, then and now, still believe that their way is the right way, yet no one really knows the answer to the question for certainty. All of these religions and beliefs are all a circle around a simple protocol and idea for living a good life, being a good person, doing good deeds unto others, and searching for enlightenment rather it be through a monotheist god or polytheist gods. The only true question is who is right and who is wrong? There is no way of knowing and the only way one can truly find out is to just simply learn how to believe.

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