Foreshadowing in A Tale of Two Cities

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Foreshadowing in A Tale of Two Cities

How does diabolically spilt blood and mysterious footsteps become important in a historical fiction novel? What makes these murder-mystery traits relevant? Charles Dickens, author of A Tale of Two Cities, creatively foreshadows future events using suspenseful topics: A forbidden declaration of love, a tragically beautiful sunset streaked with crimson, echoing footsteps of a past that will not be forgotten, and wine stained streets soon to be smeared with blood. The aforementioned events are pulled together in this story of love and sacrifice. Collectively, they are an example of successful use of foreshadowing to create an atmosphere of foreboding and intrigue.

Dickens dedicated many of his long-winded paragraphs to the scene where the Defarge's wine was spilt. He describes in detail how eager and needy the French peasants were... drinking wine from muddy streets, feeding the drink to the youngest and oldest of their ranks. Such a scene may seem unimportant, but, since it was thoroughly described, Dickens m...

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