Critical Analysis: Critical Analysis Of Food Advertising

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Food Advertising Critical Analysis Food, as any other product or good, is heavily advertised in any country. All people need food to survive and contemporary residents of urban centers are particularly exposed to numerous images of food in their daily lives. By simply walking on the streets of any city, an average person sees hundreds of food advertisements, banners featuring sandwiches and snacks, and restaurants that motivate consumption of fast food at affordable price. The pace of urban environment is particularly favorable for food advertising sector because people are deprived for the opportunity to cook at home or consider healthy eating habits due to lack of time and widespread availability of food points on every corner. Yet, the abundance of food in metropolitan giants and hunger in African countries are the two extremes of the one issue: food inequality and human rights. The …show more content…

Nevertheless, it still should be kept in mind that target audience remains rather thin because of the premium price set for healthy options. Those consumers with low socioeconomic status are left outside the target audience for healthy food, which in return further broadens the gap and creates inequality in terms of access to healthy food. Healthy food is consistently more expensive than less healthy one, because producers are focused on providing inexpensive products for low-income people. As a result, low-income neighborhoods have lack of grocery stores and markets where they can buy a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, etc. Nevertheless, low-income communities have greater availability of fast food restaurants, especially near schools. Furthermore, they have limited healthy food choices. For example, the advertisement of Sun Fed Beef was displaced in middle and high incomes neighborhood of downtown

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