Folole Mliaga Case Study

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Introduction An Organization’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) should promote ethical and social standards throughout its overall mission. There will be a summary of the Folole Muliaga case. There will be an assessment of the consequences for the victim, Folole Muliaga and the actions of Mercury Energy, the energy company that disconnected Folole’s electricity. This paper will also present a discussion of the reforms and guidelines adopted as a result of this tragedy and the importance supported by the research. Folole Muliaga Case Summary Folole Muliaga was obese and had health conditions due to her obesity. She had been in the hospital and sent home with an oxygen tank. The doctors did not think that she would live long after being …show more content…

The customer will in most cases have to present some form of documentation as proof of the special circumstance or situation. In the Folole Muliaga case, they had notified Mercury Energy of her medical circumstances. However, Mercury Energy continued their disconnection process. Bridgman (2010) portends that the Folole Muliaga case is not an ideal ethics case because there is not an ethical situation (Bridgman, 2010). Bridgman (2010) State that there was not any evidence that the people making decisions knew of the moral …show more content…

And, it would behoove organizations in this era to be transparent where their CSR is concerned. However, most do not have to report negative social, moral or ethical impacts made by their organizations. Hollender (2004) portends that the business of bridging socially responsible goals is a challenging process and organizations interested in this challenge should know that it is not easy (Hollender, 2004). New Zealand’s Mercury Energy had a perfect opportunity to establish or refine its Corporate Social Responsibility goals and strategies after the Folole Muliaga debacle. Dahlin (2007) State that when the dust settles from the corporate scandals an important lesson for companies is to have a corporate conscience knowing the difference between right and wrong Dahlin

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