Flotation De-Inking Essay

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Flotation De-inking
De-inking of fibres is an important step in waste paper recycling. Washing and flotation are the common techniques used for washing and flotation. For removing small ink particles (<20μm) wash de-inking process is effective. Large particles (20-300μm) are removed efficiently by flotation de-inking. Pulping is carried out to initially detach ink from fibres before washing and flotation. For efficient mixing, chemicals needed for flotation steps are added at pulping stage.
Long chain fatty acids in presence of calcium ions leads to formation of larger hydrophobic agglomerates which are then subsequently carried away by air bubbles to froth and then removed. Some other surfactant molecules are also added in the flotation cell for smoothening the attachment or detachment of ink particles to air bubbles by changing their hydrophilic/ hydrophobic balance. Bubble particle interactions are increased by agitation and aeration of the pulp. The effectiveness of removal of ink depends upon ink properties. Some other physical chemistry sub-processes are also there in addition to flotation illustrated in fig 1.

Fig. 1. Surface chemical sub-processes, which occur during de-inking flotation. (From ref. [6].)
Re-deposition of ink particles can be prevented by adding sodium silicate to pulp. This process was developed many years back but till now many process variables like added chemicals, temperature, gas flow rate are not fully understood. Bubble size, bubble shape, bubble-particle capture mechanism and rate, and stability of froth are affected by these variables. These parameters are summarized in fig 2.

Fig. 2. Parameters affecting the performance of de-inking flotation.
Parameters affecting flotation de-in...

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...lly surface tension decreases very rapidly in the de-inking plant although surfactant concentration was not very high. This is because some surfactants like wood extract originate from pulp. By comparing the inlet and accept values it was also observed that surface tension was higher at flotation because surfactant was consumed during the flotation process.
It was found from different studies interfacial tension could be directly related to the air ratio, higher the air ratio, higher concentrations of surfactant removed but when bubble rate is too high they don’t get sufficient time to adsorb surfactant and outlet surface tension is lower tha the inlet. In the flotation tank bubble must be stable to carry the ink to the surface but must break on reaching the weir. Optimum pH is also calculated corresponding to relative minimum in surface tension of pulping solution.

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