First Person Narration In Claire Battershill's Two Man Luge

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A fundamental element of any story is the perspective of the narrator. It guides the point of view from which readers perceive and understand a story and greatly affects how a story is presented. As such, the perspective is crucial in determining how engaging a story is. First person narration, a narrative perspective in which the story is told first hand, has proven highly effective in making a story more compelling to read. Recently, it has become very popular in young adult fiction, as it can allow, when well-executed, for the reader to be better immersed in the story, increased suspense, and insightful reflection on the significance of events taking place. In Claire Battershill’s Circus short story Two Man Luge, first person narration is …show more content…

It intrigues the reader, and their desire to know what will happen next causes them to keep reading the story. In a first person narrative, oftentimes, the reader is left in a suspenseful state due to them only knowing what the narrator knows. In Two Man Luge, the main character wants to pursue a relationship with Paresh Banarjee. His insecurities stop him from making the first move, as he doesn’t know if Paresh desires the same thing. Throughout the story, readers are left in a suspenseful state pertaining to Paresh’s feelings. The narrator describes: “[I] hope[d] that he was imagining what I was doing all the time, and, like me, was just too shy to do anything about it”(118). The protagonist’s first person account of his feelings heightens the suspense, as it gives the reader the sense that they are participating in the drama and uncertainty that he is experiencing. The reader feels an anxious anticipation every time the narrator encounters Paresh that mirrors the feelings of the main character. This allows the reader to be more engaged in the story, as they are given a reason to keep reading the …show more content…

It is a coming of age story that outlines a boy’s personal growth and triumphs. Being able to reflect on the significance of the events that have led to his triumphs is critical, as it helps the reader understand their impact on his life and where he is coming from in the decisions he makes in the story. Such reflection is very important; as it makes the situations in the story more clear to the reader, and the story is then more easy and enjoyable to read. First person is the best point of view, in this story, for recounting these events, as it allows for a more personal and thereby more insightful reflection on the importance of the experiences he has. For example, the reader only learns of the importance of Paresh to the main character when he reflects “if I hadn’t tagged along with my family [that] day, I wouldn’t have met him that first time”(109). This indicates to the reader that Paresh will be an important figure in the protagonist’s life, which helps guide the reader’s understanding of the situation. The reader recognizes that Paresh will play a critical role in the main character’s life, and this helps the reader anticipate what may happen

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