First Impressions

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First Impressions
This essay will address various different questions that are presented in week two. The concepts presented with in this module help us to have a clear understanding of how different stimulus, both external and internal, will affect human behavior. We are presented with two brief overviews of the characteristic of an individual, both from an introvert and extrovert perspective.
How Do First Impressions Strike Us?
A person’s first impression of an individual may be more a reflection of their own Basic and Meta needs than an accurate assessment of the individual being surveyed. If our own needs are not met we could assume that our views would be tainted. The way that we view the world is heavily weighted by the assimilation of the subject matter discussed in Leadership & Human Behavior. Clark (2013) stated that knowing about some ones needs would be critical knowing how to motivate them. Once we have a general understanding of where we are within the model then I think that we are more effective in assessing the needs of others. This being said first impressions a...

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