First Dates

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I fall here in my sleep A treacherous sleep none may seek A distilled sense of purity With the disastrous awakening of self pity To my knowledge none know the answers “I'm just tired,” I lied. “Yeah, well it probably doesn't help that you're all work and no play.” Not now. I did my job and I was good at it. Wasn't that enough? Now I needed to be a social butterfly too. No thanks. “Come on Malia, don't you even remember what it's like to go out and have fun. Everyone has got to let loose sometime, or else what's the point of living.” Huh, Amy actually considered the life of a Sundowner as living. I don't know, maybe I was a stick in the mud, but I wasn't about to live in the imaginary ignorance of a normal to goodness life of a teenager. I had one purpose, one reason for being here in this world. Most girls my age were worried about the insignificant dramas of high school, and whether or not they were going to be able to snag the perfect guy and dress for prom. “Are you even listening to me?” “Huh? What did you say?” Amy rolled her eyes and made a disgruntled snort. “Can you even pay attention to me for thirty seconds?” She had a mixture of hurt and annoyance on her face that I had over time become very acquainted with. It was never that obvious to outside eyes, but two girls living in a house where PMS came twice a month got pretty exhausting. “Okay, I'm listening,” I promised sitting up and giving her an alert stare. “We used to have so much fun together,” whined Amy. “And, you actually used to date, remember? What ever happened to that one guy you were seeing? He was cute. Oh, what was his name?” Oh no, did we really have to go there? Internally, I desperately hoped that... ... middle of paper ... for a meeting,” I responded glumly. “Oh.” I watched her features swiftly change from annoyance to sympathy. Her sudden mood switch brought the dark cloud of failure back over me. Why did Nicolae have to show up on my watch, and make me look not only incapable, but incompetent. I was about to start badgering myself more when Amy turned to me with a soft reassuring smile. “No worries. A lot of the others were complaining about having jobs this week, anyway. I'll just have them move it to next Saturday instead.” “Wait, Amy you don't have to....” “I'll see you tomorrow. Wish me luck,” she called back to me. By the time I could finish my rebuttal she was already out the door. “Uh! Is it not bad enough that I've had one miserable week, but now I have to give up next week too,” I huffed while silently sulking in the corner of the kitchen.

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