Firebombing Ww2 Analysis

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World War II saw the birth of a new type of war. This new type of war no longer resembled filthy trenches, and victories of inches in no man’s land, but instead targeted the home front and civilian populations. This was done with the advancement of airspace technology and fulfilled by bombings and air raids. The tactics of firebombing and bombing raids were employed by both Germany and Britain during World War II, in an attempt to break the spirits of the civilian population. By targeting the home front, each side sought to weaken the other so that a ground invasion would be successful. Firebombing was successful in leveling the majority of cities in Europe, both British and German, and not only destroyed morale, but was also used to destroy warfare industry production. Suddenly, the war was brought home, and the home front took on an entirely new meaning. The advanced technology of …show more content…

The raids did not break the spirits of the people, but only strengthened the resolve of Londoners to carry on throughout the destruction. According to Doyle, shops had signs “More open than usual” and “Hitler Can’t Stop Us”. The Londoners showed incredible bravery and morale throughout the bombings. London was resilient, and even Churchill proclaimed their irrepressible resolve, lauding the “ordinary humble people” who stood up against Germany’s demoralizing raids. But this was a heavy blow to London, who routinely had attacks. Churchill claimed, that at one point, London was bombed for fifty-seven consecutive nights. This unceasing terror eventually tapered when the Germans switched targets to more industrialized centers. Although it is most documented and memorialized, the British were not the only affected by firebombing though. Furthermore, they took the German idea of firebombing and used it against

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