Fire Risk Assessment: Risks And Threats To Fire Safety

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Fire risk assessment is like actions or practices that work in order to reduce the destruction that caused by fire. Fire safety measures are like methods or actions taken to prevent or avoid ignition in case of an uncontrolled fire, and the used to limit the effects of a fire after it starts. Fire safety risk assessment is planned during the beginning of a construction of a building or implemented a building or sites that already standing. Threats to fire safety are commonly referred to fire hazards. A fire hazard may has a situation that could increase the likelihood of fire. To prevent the situations that could lead to fire, you must do the fire risk assessment steps: • Identify potential fire hazards • Decide who could be harmed or put …show more content…

• Record the finding and tell employees about the result (which should include the finding and the action taken) , and prepare or revise an emergency plan. Following this, relevant staff should be informed unstructured and trained as appropriate. • Review the assessment as necessary as conditions change and at regular intervals in any case. There are also checklist and formats for fire risk assessment available commercially. A simple code can be convenient to change the condition or degree or control the fire hazard. a. fully satisfactory- meets at requirements; does not need improvement b. adequate- some improvement possible c. lees than adequate, significant improvement required action must be taken. d. poor- action is required urgently to improve the location. e. not applicable- condition or circumstances not present or relevant. Each work- center is to have a fire prevention and risk assessment law. Fire Prevention and …show more content…

However, nobody knows about the business activities as the RP. But if the RP is not confident with his or her own ability to complete the fire safety risk assessment, then, they can arrange for suitably qualified or experienced person to do the fire risk assessment on their behalf if possible. Concept of Fire Hazard When someone is considering a fire risk assessment, it very important for him or her to understand the definition of fire hazard. Fire risk can be reduced to acceptable levels by various methods by keeping especial designed for the electric apparatus. Also, making the equipment location away from the risk and have very clear signs of evacuation during fire. Moreover, the design of the means of the escape is well known by mention plates on walls shows the ways, and fire sprinkler system based on the needs of the project or the building. In addition, the risk should be reduced to an acceptable level by: a) Removing the fire hazards altogether. b) Reducing the fire hazards to the point where there is little or no risk. c) Replacing the existing fire hazard with a safer

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