Feminism: Equality, Equality And Equality In Society

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Rights for women do exist within the legal system, but that does not mean that everyone acts according to these rights. Women are discriminated against throughout society for fighting against the unfair treatment of women as a whole. Although women are a large part of today’s society, women are still not treated equally and do not have the same rights as men which is evident through lower pay, unable to break traditional gender roles without backlash, unequal opportunities, and overall male dominance.
Inequality is just as it sounds, the act of two things being unequal. Feminism is the advocation of political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. People who support feminism would agree that human rights unify everyone, and by discriminating …show more content…

Women are not seen as equals to men because gender is a matter of dominance. Men and women are equal in differences, but not equal in power. Men have much more power than women, so much in fact that men are seen as superior to women. At womens expense, men’s freedom by definition is incompatible with the equality for women. To understand the gender inequality, recognizing the social representation, class, and race inconsistency, while race and class correlate with gender. In all aspects of life, women are told what to do. They are told what to identify as, what to be loyal to, which community to belong to, and who to be accountable …show more content…

Women have not lost their freedom of speech, but they have lost the ears of people who can change gender inequality. Women need an affirmative ear who will listen and change the unfair conditions social downfalls of being a woman.
Due to the fact that women are not treated fairly, poverty has taken over many parts of the world. “Poverty itself is a violation of numerous basic human rights. Furthermore, the increased recognition of the feminisation of poverty makes it vital to link into the international protection of human rights the energies and approaches of the thousands of international and national networks of women's’ groups.”(Robinson.)
In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, women experience the greatest relative equality, but even that is still is not enough. North Africa and the Middle East, receive the least amount of equality among their women. (INSERT CITATION.) In many places globally, women are seen as objects and men objectify them. Women are property in some places, and these women have no choice but to be an object for men. It has come to the point that women are socially not people. Women have so many limitations when it comes to what they can and cannot

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