Federalism Essay

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In May of 1787, in the city of Philadelphia, the delegates from all of the thirteen states held a meeting in order to make a better union. The end result was the Constitution of the United States. The delegates discussed which form of government would be the best suited for both the security, and the freedom that many had wanted to add to this new government. The delegates had denied both the confederal and the unitary forms of the new government for the new form which is called Federalism. Which was to be described as the constitutional relationship between the United States and the Federal government. Federalism is different from the other two types of government, unlike the unitary form of government, which is ruled by the central government, …show more content…

The differences in Northern and Southern understandings of Federalism is like Day and Night, different in every way. The North looked down to the South during the Civil War. One key event during the Civil War, and what began to make the South back out of the War would be that the main reason would be the population size of the North. Which had a huge population factor, at the beginning of the War the North had a population of twenty-two million. However, out of all the population 1.3 million worked in industries. Therefore, “by congress, of any authorizing the employment of a military or naval force against” the southern states which had many slaves and none of which could join the army. In the South, which had a population of nine million, 120,000 worked as industrial workers, and the rest were contained slaves. Which meant that they couldn’t be used in the army at this time and couldn’t participate in the …show more content…

In America the central government is the Federal government and the subdivision is the state 's. Just to have a central government and local governments does not make it federalism you must have division of powers between these two and neither the central or the sub governments receives its powers from the other, their power derives from one source which is the constitution. The purpose of federalism that was to provide further protection against tyranny, which threatened people’s, liberties. Also it was formed to prevent the formation of a concentrated power in one area of government, so the development of federalism came

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