Family Reunification Essay

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Child welfare workers are responsible to make decisions that directly benefit families; maintaining the best interest of the child(ren) involved. Thus, advocating for incarcerated parents is vital in working towards family success. When safety concerns are not present, we must advocate for visitations between children and their incarcerated parents as we have learned that this is necessary for the child’s sense of safety and wellbeing. In addition, parent and child visitations also assist with reducing the rate of recidivism. Disappointingly, the barriers discussed in this paper are a hindrance regarding reunification for many families. On a micro level, we must do our due diligence to eliminate some of these barricades that contribute to family instability and threatens children’s development. This can be achieved by working closely with the incarcerated parents, prison support staff, children’s caregivers, and other interagency professionals; collaborating towards the purpose of maintaining the separated family as united as possible. Connecting with parents in prison to educate them on the child welfare system and …show more content…

In addition to proving them with helpful therapeutic resources to address the variety of emotions and reactions they are likely having due to the separation, we should prepare them with realistic expectations before they visit their incarcerated parents and debrief after their visitations (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2015). Using our basic social work clinical skills, we should make efforts to promote a healthy attachment and honor the feelings of the child; by being sensitive to their feelings (Poehlmann, 2005). Additional social support may be likely due to the likely exposure children often face after a parent becomes incarcerated (Child Welfare Information Gateway,

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