Family Is Everything Essay: My Family Is Everything

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Family Is Everything When I was younger I never thought about how hard it was to be an adult. I never thought about the consequences of my actions. I was young and I didn’t have a care in the world. I never realized how hard my parents worked, or even how tired they would be after their long days. Being a child you never realize just how much your parents go through to support their families. They never want to tell you because it’s “grown up talk” and “you’re too young”. They never stop to think that just because you’re young you still catch on. As you get older you start to see and hear the things you shouldn’t. You begin to slowly understand why you see your mom wide awake in the middle of the night and why your dad is always tired and cranky. You never think about it though. You just push it to the side and keep doing your own thing. Then finally when you get into your teens you finally understand everything and it changes your life. I have always had a huge family. I grew up with four brothers and three sisters with me being the oldest. This does not include all of my “adopted” family that my mother loved to take in either. In total I grew up with at least 15 people …show more content…

I have never given up on my dreams just like my parents never did. They worked hard to support us everyday and they never backed down. No matter how tough our lives got they always kept moving forward. I praise my parents for their hard work and never giving up. I don’t get mad because they work late anymore. I don’t blame them for anything that may have made me feel alone when I was younger even in a house full of kids. They always tried their best to give us everything we needed. We never went without anything of importance. Through all of the fights, the disagreements, and my hard headed ways I will always support, and be there for my parents. Just like they were there for us. My family is everything to

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