Family Disappointment and Destiny in _The Royal Tennenbaums_

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Alex Hayley, a prominent writer, once said “In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future”. Wes Anderson’s masterpiece, The Royal Tennenbaums, is a contemporary film that reveals the immense impact that family members hold over each other’s lives. Margot, the eldest of the children, is the adopted member of the Tennenbaum household. Regardless of this fact, Margot is denied the opportunity to feel like a member of the family, as she lacks the affection that she deserves from her inattentive father, Royal. Tragically, she yearns to be a part of the family that may never truly accept her. Furthermore, in order to cope with her unsatisfactory life, Margot escapes to drama and writing, continuously creating fictional characters whose lives are not bound to loveless relatives. Likewise, feeling emotionally shut away from her family (her father, in particular), Margot begins to hang her head down and isolate herself even further. It is not long before she takes shelter in secrecy, concealing her emotions, and refusing to let others see her true nature. In a never-ending pursuit for finding love, and ultimately, her identity, Margot begins to reach inner peace and re-shape her future. Even with numerous obstacles and setbacks, she is able to turn her life around, showing that destiny is meant to be made, not accepted. Is it possible to belong when told otherwise by the ones who matter the most? Margot is emotionally excluded from the Tennenbaum family, as she deprived of attention by the father figure in her life, who frequently introduces her to others as his “adopted daughter, Margot Tennenbaum”. Royal creates a psychological barrier between Margot and the rest of the family, merely by refusing t... ... middle of paper ... ... life headed for failure. Additionally, as Royal’s search for redemption beings, Margot is brought closer to her estranged family. Whilst her broken relationship with her father is restored, she learns to forgive and overlook her bleak adolescent years. As a result, Margot regains the bravery to return to her play-writing career, aiming for success and prosperity. Another crucial milestone in Margot’s path to happiness is her confinement in Richie. Being able to openly speak of her secrets enables Margot to free herself and gain trust in others. Nevertheless, the aspect that has the most critical impact on Margot’s life is her ability to trust her heart, giving her the power to confess her love for Richie. Ultimately, she gains the confidence to overcome her past and re-establish her broken dreams. As she learns to set her heart free, Margot finds true happiness.

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