Falsely Accused In The Crucible

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The Salem Witch Trials were a series of persecutions of the alleged witches to determine their fate, which began February of 1692 and ended May of 1693. Mccarthyism is the false accusations of proving someone is “Unamerican”(communist), that began in the February 1950 and ended June 1954 . Miller wrote The Crucible to show his point of view of Mccarthyism; however, the text wasn’t based directly on the time period of McCarthyism, but in the time of Salem Witch Trials so it could be published. Though The Crucible is fiction, the allegorical character of John Proctor reflects the author in the following ways: Being falsely accused and how they reacted to the accusations. How both were offered bribes having to make an laborious decision. Why they did not accept the bribes they were granted. …show more content…

Then he replied with ‘ I say God is dead” Proctor did not mean that literally, he was tired of the hysteria and chaos the accusations were causing the town. Miller was also falsely accused because he felt that the hysteria of condemning others were ridiculous. He was also accused because the HUAC and McCarthy believed he would be a fair pick because he was well distinguished and would show the people that this is real and that any and everyone can be “unamerican”. Even though they were accused unfairly their was many times they both could have neglected their moral beliefs and accepted the “fate” they were

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