Failure Are The Pillars Of Success Essay

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An Essay on Failures Are the Pillars of Success
The proverb means that success come through failures. He only fails who strives to do something. It is meant as an encouragement to those who fail in life, and to give them the urge to try hard, to build on the strong foundations of experience already gained. As the poet said –
Say not the struggle naught availed,
The labour and the wounds are vain.
They have got to try again and again in the face of failures. If they fail once, they will gain experience therefore that will help them in their second effort. But making use of these experiences they will grow wisher and feel surer. This is the foundation of success. Those who build upon the foundation of wisdom and self-confidence, will meet with durable success.

But the lesson is not confined to individuals. The greatness of a people is built up on the efforts of generation who have toiled and failed and striven and left the experience they have won by their forefathers had failed. – After all, the truly great are those who work not for immediate success that brings personal glory, but for a future that may not see but that will crown their failures with ultimate triumph. …show more content…

The fool often fails because he thinks that success is easy. “Security is mortal’s chief’s enemy” confidence is good. But not conceit. For confidence gives strength, while conceit makes us easy-going. The man who thinks himself too wise may also fail, if he thinks what is difficult for others is easy for him. For then, he uses less strength than he should. He overreaches himself and fails. One the other hand, many fail because they are too nervous. They apprehend failure even before they have entered the fray. “There is no defeat in truth, save from within; unless you are beaten there, you are bound to win.”

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