Fahrenheit 9/11

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Fahrenheit 9/11

1. When I constructed my thesis statement based on Michael Moores

movie entitled Fahrenheit 9/11 I didn't take the whole Bush situation

in consideration, instead I tried to focus on the underlying reasons

for producing this movie. The question you probably would ask me now

is, am I stupid since the whole movie revolves around Bush, but that

is not entirely true because the reason why Moore made this movie

revolves around the actions president Bush have taken concerning the

war in Iraq and against terrorism. The thesis statement I created is

following, "Terrorism and war are actions that should be prevented,

for they kill and hurt innocent people, damage relationships between

countries and diminishes finances."

The movie consists of three main body points according to me. The

first main point is president Bush and his father the former

presidents business relationship with the Bin Laden family and other

Saudi businessmen and their mutual affairs and economical interests in

the oil and weapon industry. The second main point is when he

describes the terror attack towards the World Trade Centre on

September 11 2001 and how the government reacted on the attack. The

third main point is about the war in Iraq, showing how the Bush

administration convinced the American people to send the young and

poor to fight a war based on a lie. Moore also interviews and

accompanies American soldiers during their missions down in Iraq.

All the main points are linked together with movie clips of Bush and

other government officials in a satirical way, clips showing how the

government is keeping the people in fear by lowering and raising the

terroist alert back and forth making them accept a bill (The U.S.

Patriot Act.) which violates the human rights for example.

The conclusion in this movie that I think Michael Moore wants us draw

is that people need to think, they shouldn't just do as everybody else

does, he wants people to analyse and realize that the world is not

perfect and in this case Bush is far from perfect.

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