Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

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Fahrenheit 451 is a book for a variety of people. The main age of when this book should be read is when a person is above the age of 14 years old. This book is recommended for ages 14 and up because of the content in which the story is told. Also the compression of this book is in depth and important to the making of our future. Ray Bradbury uses strong words that help build up the story.
This book is a dystopian book written in the 1950’s and having the book takes place in the 21st century. A recommended for this book is to people who are interested in dystopian novels. Also that the reader can relate the story to real life situation, for some things in the book did come true.
Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is recommended for university students who are taking politics, and to government workers. This book gives a warning to tell the government to not turn the society into a society like the book, where books were burned and not allowed in the society. This book shows the rebellion of one person, but if this book was to come true about the society many people would repel ...

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