Narrative Structure In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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An author constructs a narrative structure to build characters, create expectations, and buildup suspense; how the narrative structure is presented in the story will determine how effective the author’s argument is delivered. Furthermore, the narrative structure gives meaning to the story by creating a cause and effect of conflicts that the characters encountered; an audience can interpret the author’s message based off the characters’ actions or resolutions to the conflicts. Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, delivers an anti-censorship message and argues the damages caused by a totalitarian government that oppresses individuality by banning and incinerating books. The message in Fahrenheit 451 was clearly delivered, however, a well delivered message does not mean the novel was not lacking in other areas such as under developed characters. For the most part, only the protagonist, Montag, gradually grew and changes over the course of the novel; all other characters were rather shallow. Despite the lack of character development in Fahrenheit 451, the novel still follows the steps of narrative structure of exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
The exposition exposes readers to important information that will later be essential for them to know if they are to understand the story …show more content…

Whether readers concur with or oppose of Ray Bradbury’s arguments, his arguments do compel some readers to examine their own society and motivate them to better educate themselves and be independent thinker. Readers would not be able to comprehend the meaning behind Fahrenheit 451 if the steps of narrative structure was not followed, which is indisputably a key component of any literary

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