Facts About Global Warming and Climate Change

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Facts about Global Warming and Climate Change
We know of no other habitable place in the universe comparable to planet earth. But the climate change poses obvious threat to all forms of life in the planet and no living creature is exempted. Extreme and unpredictable weather events and catastrophes are too overwhelming. Sometimes, people may need international aid to stand up.
It’s quite alarming how global warming affects the world. Imagine the world’s coolest places, the Arctic and Antarctica with its ice melting and pouring significant amount of water to the sea. The sea levels are rising fast, weather conditions change rapidly and sometimes getting more unpredictable.
Climate is dependent to various factors like how much sunlight certain area receives including the height above sea level. The land shape likewise affects climate and the distance of the land from the oceans. Also, climate differs in one location depending on its distance from the equator.
The average weather condition in a specific land area is termed as regional climate. Meanwhile, the climate condition of the entire planet is called the global climate. The latter is dependent on the amount of sun’s energy. Climate changes over a longer period of time while weather changes rapidly even in hours.
Climate change brought by the ill effects of global warming would be the earth’s greatest challenge and the worse is yet to come unless people work hand in hand to save the planet. If Antarctica’s 2-mile ice sheets melt, you can just think of how it can dramatically increase the sea levels. Scientists noted that with Antarctica alone, it holds 90% of the world’s ice. It is believed that if the Antarctic ice melts, it can throw as much as 230 feet water unto the sea. ...

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...fuels, deforestation and industrialization are among the contributory factors in the rapid increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide and climate change. With these, we all have to suffer its dangerous outcomes.
We should know that solutions do exist. The new shape of the future is all in our hands but today is the time. We can’t afford to risk tomorrow and the future of the generations to come. But what are the possible steps to fight global warming? One, the greenhouse gases emissions must be contained. Everyone needs to work together by reducing burning of fossil fuels. This requires a real leadership to convince everyone to engage. We can bring the carbon dioxide away from the atmosphere by planting more trees. We can begin our earnest effort by reducing energy consumption in our own homes. Experts are now trying to discover and enhance alternative energy sources.

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