Export US Oil

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If the United States government allowed the exportation oil and natural gas to any and all countries what impact could this have on the U.S. trade deficit? If the government lifted the policies what would be the positive and negative impacts? The U.S. has consistently been experiencing a trade deficit since the late 1990s with no signals or indications that we will reach a trade balance. Energy, particularly oil and gas, has been the one of fastest leading export for the United States since the shale boom of late 2009 “. Fortunately oil and gas is a resource that the U.S. has in abundance and holds a demand worldwide, yet the United States has a 38 year old policy that bans exporting oil and gas to any and all countries.

The policies to ban exporting oil and gas started in the early 70’s due to the 1973 Oil Embargo that crippled the U.S. economy and opened our eyes to our reliance of oil and gas from countries that do not hold our best interest in mind. In 1973 Egypt and Syria tried to win back a territory lost to Israel in 1967 during a conflict between the Arabs and Israel known has the Arab/Israeli War. Moving forward to 1973 on Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday, Egypt and Syria invaded Israel to try to reclaim the lost territory again but where not able to overcome the Israel army. The United States helped supply Israel with reinforcement, in the eyes of the Arabic nation’s support our Israeli ally was not considered highly. Many of the unhappy Arabic nations where members of OPEC and decided to create an oil embargo against the United States, the largest consumer of oil and gas. The embargo had a created an “oil shock” crippling the U.S. economy, oil supplies where low, inflation began to increase, and the U.S. econ...

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...y dangerous and difficult job, harnessing the earth using man made products and the labor of humans as proven to result in negative environmental issues and disasters. Depending upon what you value highest deems what political line you approach with the oil and gas industry.

The cost benefits of releasing the Acts could produce many positive and negative benefits but the definitive outcome has yet to establish an amenable conclusion. Motivates and The U.S. would reap more benefit if the exports of oil and gas increased but ultimately the overwhelming personal views will mold our elected officials potential action or lack of action of exporting oil and gas. Unfortunately I highly doubt the U.S. will ever remove the bans because it has taken our elected officials over five years to decide whether the TransCanada Pipeline should pass through Western Nebraska.

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