Explication of the Cogito

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Explication of the Cogito

In his Meditations, Rene Descartes attempts to prove the existence and reality of himself and things external to himself. In order to fulfill such a feat, Descartes decides to doubt all that he knows, for he knows not whether that can be relied upon. He doubts his knowledge for three main reasons.

For one, he accounts that in dreams, many times he had thought that things external to himself were real. Also, he had heard people declare pain in limbs that they had lost long ago. After pondering these two experiences he declared, "the chief and most common mistake which is to be found here consists in my judging that the ideas which are in me resemble, or conform to, things outside me" (Descartes 16). These two accounts proved to him that he should doubt the existence of his own body.

Next, he realizes that even when he is "awake," he cannot trust his senses. Descartes says that "the senses do sometimes deceive us when it is a question of very small and distant things" (14) A perfect example of such would be how a stick that is straight might appear bent when immersed in water, or might mistake the height and shape of distant towers. This makes him further realize that he cannot trust experience.

Finally, he is then forced to question his mind, when he realizes that there might be an Evil Genius that controls his every thought. If there were an Evil Genius doing such, his thoughts would mean nothing and his questioning would mean nothing, because he is constantly being deceived. With this in mind, he is able to stumble upon an epiphany, that the very fact that he is questioning, means that he exists. His reasoning is one that is quite logical. By questioning something...

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...e that those things inside of them are people, because that is what we are used to seeing. So, through intellect alone, one is able to determine that those are people out on the street, yet what if that conception changes. According to Descartes, it cannot, but the thing inside the coats and hats might be trained chimpanzees walking around. So suddenly, one realizes that the perception of the coats and hats was wrong, and that the conception changed. Therefore, just as Descartes has the perception that he is doing the doubting, because of the lack of empirical evidence and the unreliable quality of perception, through his method Descartes cannot be clearly and distinctly sure of anything.


Works Cited


Trans. Donald A. Cress. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing

Company, 1993.

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