Should There Be A Health Expert Opinions Or Proof Or Knowledge?

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Einstein once said: “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” So let’s start answering the question by breaking it down. Firstly, let’s take out those 3 iffy words (important, experts, and opinion.) and replace them with laymen’s terms. Importance is defined usually by how much a something ‘matters’ in the grand scheme of things. Experts are people who have more experience than most in a particular field or skill. And opinions, via the Princeton dictionary, are defined as “a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty.” The question now reads: How much do the personal beliefs or judgments of experienced people, in one area, matter in the search for knowledge?
The opinions of experts are handy …show more content…

If a health expert tells you that Americans are getting fatter what proof does this expert have? They may be a doctor or might not be. If they believe that Americans are getting fatter and something should be done about it, the claim might interest you. It could make you think more about the problem and incite curiosity into a certain field, but if you were another doctor and you were doing a study linking high fructose corn syrup to an increase in weight in Americans the opinion would not help your study. It may draw attention to it but it often won’t lead to anything factual (or anything that can be classified as knowledge). The opinion of an expert will only serve the knower in a way to incite interest and thereby activating the knower’s reasoning and it’s then up to the knower to decide whether or not to pursue the information any further and attempt to validate or falsify the …show more content…

Their passion for a subject may overcome their ability to be subjective on it. For instance, Al Gore was long considered an expert on Global Warming and incited numerous people to support the adoption of ethanol into the gas supply. He later admitted when new evidence had arisen that he was wrong and ethanol was not an intelligent idea to get behind.
Experts are only good in there domain area of expertise. If you call in an expert, possibly a gardener, to fix your car the results would not be wondrous. In this way expert opinions are only important in the Areas of Knowledge that they study and very rarely cross over. An expert’s opinion in the Arts and Ethics areas of knowledge are often more feeble because ‘knowing’ in these areas is generally determined by personal emotion rather than reason or language like

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