Experiencing Cyberspace

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Experiencing Cyberspace


If a survey were being done on how people experience cyberspace, one

would immediately notice that no two answers would be the same. Experiencing

cyberspace is something that is different for every individual. I myself

experience cyberspace psychologically, I experience it in my mind. There have

been many attempts at trying to define the abstruse term, but up to date, no one

has pinned the tail on the donkey. There cannot be one solid definition for a

word that possesses so many meanings. I personally associate the word

cyberspace with the idea of being able to travel to distant places without ever

leaving my chair. Obviously, I know that there is no possible way of visiting

different places or countries via my home computer, but in my mind, when I see

the location that I am connected to, it feel as though a part of me is there.

The best part is that I can switch from scenario to scenario without having to

travel any ground. I do not feel a sense of distance or location, except when it

takes a prolonged amount of time to connect to a host. When I travel from place

to place (site to site), I do not cover any known physical distances, but

instead I cover visual distance. Just as many people do, I refer to the places

that I visit as virtual worlds. I like calling them this because I never

actually get to see the reality of the "world". I only get to see it

electronically and digitally. The feeling that I experience while in cyberspace

is knowing that I possess the power to visit any where I want. When I click

one of the buttons on the mouse, or what I refer to as a transporter, I feel as

though all the power in the world rests at the end of my fingertips. I am in my

own sort of fantasy land. Once I land in a desired location, or website, I

have the opportunity to click on pictures and words that take me to new worlds.

These pictures and words have the power to make my virtual tour even more

pleasing by introducing me to new and exciting things. People have referred to

experiences in cyberspace, experiences such as mine, as a basic extension of the

mind. I definitely agree with this statement. I believe that it takes

imagination and creativity to experience all of the things that cyberspace has

to offer. With all the colors, strange text and mind-boggling graphics,

cyberspace is something that everyone must experience on their own.

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